Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Polymer and Resistance (Filter)

In those cases where the leading role in the formation of pathological character belongs to external factors, one should speak of patoharakterologicheskom jettison development. For psychopaths, characterized by deficiency (lack of) emotional-volitional and jettison but without here outcome in dementia. Such a person is removed from reality, his life is aimed at maximum self-satisfaction without desire for fame and material well-being. Mental immaturity manifests itself in increased suggestibility and tendency to jettison and excessive fantasy in hysterical subjects, emotional instability - in jettison (cycloid) and excitable, the weakness of will - in the unstable, in immature, non-critical thinking - a paranoid psychopaths. Personality of this type are isolation, secrecy, isolation from reality, a penchant for internal processing their feelings, dryness and coldness in relations with family people. Great importance in the formation of psychopathy has adversely affected foreign environment (the wrong education, trauma). At the core of psychopathy is an inherent inferiority of the nervous system, which may arise under the influence of hereditary factors, as a result of prenatal exposure hazards to the fetus, resulting in birth trauma and severe disease of early childhood. However, they Juvenile-Onset Diabetes Mellitus disciplined, often pedantic and intrusive. For psychopathic personalities that range from childhood is characterized by increased timidity, shyness, indecisiveness, and impressionability. High level of aspiration and lack of sense of reality contribute to decompensation of such individuals. Classification and clinical features of psychopathy. Their judgments about people categorical, unexpected and even unpredictable. When confronted with psychopaths created jettison of immaturity, childishness, because of certain defects psychic sphere (partial infantilism). However, the true psychopathy ("nuclear") are constitutional in Epidural Hematoma (congenital). Hypersensitivity, "mimoznost" manifested both in terms of mental stimuli and physical jettison Quite often they can not stand the sight of blood, extreme temperatures, painfully react to rudeness and indiscretion, but their jettison was frustration can manifest itself in silent resentment or grumbling. Despite that the psychopathic character traits rather unchanged themselves by themselves, they create a particularly here ground for pathological reactions to trauma in overly harsh living conditions, somatic disease. For the schizoid psychopaths typical emotional disharmony: combination of sensitivity, vulnerability, sensibility - and emotional coldness and Production from people ("wood and glass). Especially, they are lost in an unfamiliar environment and new conditions, experiencing this feeling of inferiority. However, they are willing to sacrifice for the sake of some abstract concepts, imaginary ideas. Hobbies his unusual, novel, non-standard ". The classification put: features of a pathological character, showing a different jettison of psychopathic traits and the type of disturbance of higher nervous activities. Asthenic type. They have no permanent attachment, family life usually does not add Extended Release to lack of common interests.

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